Primary Insider Disclosure

26 Feb 2020
The following primary insiders (or their related parties as described below) have, as part of the company's incentive program, committed to acquire shares in Ocean Yield ASA (the "Company" or "Ocean Yield"):Eirik Eide, CFO of Ocean Yield ASA, has through his wholly owned company Kleiver Invest AS acquired 20,000 shares in Ocean Yield. Upon completion of such acquisition, Eirik Eide will own, directly or indirectly, 370,051 shares in the Company.Marius Magelie, SVP Finance & Investor Relations, has through his wholly owned company MGM Invest AS committed to acquire 5,000 shares in Ocean Yield. Upon completion of such acquisition, Marius Magelie will own, directly or indirectly, 122,120 shares in the Company.The acquisition of shares has been made as part of the Company's management incentive program. The price paid per share will equal the closing price as of 26 February 2020 of NOK 40.25 per share, less a discount of 20% reflecting that the shares will have a lock-up period of three years. This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5 -2 and 4-2 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.