14 Jul 2014
Date: Oslo, 14th July 2014 Lars Solbakken, CEO of Ocean Yield ASA ("Ocean Yield" or the "Company"), has (through his wholly owned company Finmarine AS) agreed to acquire 100 000 shares in Ocean Yield ASA at a price of NOK 32,64 per share. The price is equal to the closing share price of the Ocean Yield share on 11th July 2014, less a discount of 20%, reflecting that the shares have a lock-up period of three years. The shares will be sold from the Company's treasury shares. After the sale, Lars Solbakken owns 700 155 shares in the Ocean Yield ASA (all shares are owned indirectly through the wholly owned company Finmarine AS). Following the above transaction, Ocean Yield holds a total of 108 069 treasury shares, constituting approximately 0.08% of the Company's shares and votes. This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 4-2 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.